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Modifikation Uniden UBC-9000 XLT Reverse-squelch.
Bestyrer: Per H. Nielsen, Alex Tiedemann, dkscan_test, admin
Ophavsmand Indlæg
lør 31. mar 2018, 13:59
Registeret medlem #719
Oprettet: søn 11. jun 2006, 14:14
Sted: Nær Svenstrup J.
Indlæg: 230

Jeg skal igang med at lodde i min gamle scanner!!!

Jeg kan bare ikke lige finde så mange modifikationer, men det skulle være en modifikation som kan få squelch til at virke den modsatte vej, så den
er helt åben når knappen er drejet til venstre, men hvor ligger der en beskrivelse vedr. squelch modifikation???
Mods.dk har ikke en forklaring...

God påske :-)
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lør 31. mar 2018, 18:35
Registeret medlem #4366
Oprettet: fre 19. nov 2010, 19:37
Sted: Karlstad, Sverige
Indlæg: 116
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søn 01. apr 2018, 18:25
Registeret medlem #719
Oprettet: søn 11. jun 2006, 14:14
Sted: Nær Svenstrup J.
Indlæg: 230
Det lykkedes at finde modifikationen, gemt som artikel.

Skribenten/ingeniøren har underskrevet artiklen med et dansk amatørradio kaldesignal ( OZ4ABP) :-)

I find it normal, that to increase a value, you turn a potentiometer clockwise.
But the UBC9000XLT works in exacly the opposite way!

Here is a mod to change this:

Remove 5 screws, the top-lid and the connector for the loudspeaker.

Carefully remove the squelch plasticbutton.
Losen the nut, that holds the squelch pot and pcb in place to the frontplate, with a pair of small needle-nose pliers.
Remove the nut and washer, and remove the squelch pot and its pcb from behind the frontplate.

From connector J4 - on the 9000 "motherboard" - there are two small cables. A blue and a white one. These go to the squelch pot pcb.
Cut the white cable, in a way so you can re-connect it again at a later time, if you wish to revert this mod.
Lengthen the white cable, with a new piece of cable, about two inches long. (Use a bit of flex or tape. Also on the other end of the white cable, which you are not going to use)

Hold the squelch pcb, so you can see its backside.
You will se the two tracks, connecting the white Molex connector with the squelch pot itself (VR2).
Connect the lengthened white cable to the squelch pots upper, UN-used leg.
That's It!

Reconnect the pot+pcb, using the washer, nut and plastic button.
Lay the top-lid in its place and connect the loudspeaker connector. Check for correct operation, and NOW re-thighen the 5 screws...

Sit back and enjoy that the squelch on your 9000 now works as on all other "normal" receivers! ( - and remember Marco in your evening-prayers !!!)
The squelch conctrol now "tightens" when it is turned clockwise and closes at about 90 degrees (three o'clock position)

vy 73s de OZ4ABP
Phillip Marco Vallentin

Jeg afprøvede skjulte funktioner på scanneren og den oplyste at dens firmware var Dectel-1994.

God påske til alle...

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